Thursday, 23 June 2016

How Do I Retain Control When Selling My Sript?

Film making is a team sport
If you're not prepared to be part of the team, then just become a writer and stop wasting everyone's time, including yours. Believe me, it's far easier just to write.
If the idea of someone else touching your precious little masterpiece fills you with dread, then don't punish yourself, and the rest of the human race along with you, by writing movie scripts. Write books. It's not like there's anything stopping you. You can start now and self-publish with Amazon, or anyone else, when you're ready. You don't even need the intervention of a book editor any more.
Take a case in point: Stephen King's "The Shining"
Stephen was so unhappy with Stanley Kubrick's changes that he re-made it later. So we got to see Stephen's original artistic vision and it was mediocre and all the worse when you compare it with Kubrick's work. 

Credit: The header image is available as wallpaper from

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