Friday, 31 January 2020

So Is The Glass Half Empty Or Half Full?

You know the deal: take a glass and half fill it with water. So is it half empty or half full? Well, the correct answer is that it is always full - whatever room is not taken up by the water is filled with air. So it doesn't matter how much water there is, the glass is always full.
So what?
Well, the important thing to take away is not to take the most important things for granted. You can live without water for days, try living without air for that long - or half as long. There is a saying that I believe is from JK Galbraith: "If you want to know about water, don't ask a fish". This is true. Every year we celebrate the 9th August. That is the day World War 2 ended for my island. It was the day that the Nazi Occupation of the island ended. We call it Liberation Day. Since that time, we have had over 65 years of peace. But don't ask the average islander about liberation. It has been such a part of our lives that we take it for granted. What do you take for granted? Is it the most important part of your life?

Credit: The header image is available as wallpaper from

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