Monday, 24 February 2020

What are the top 5 hobbies that make you smarter?

1. Roleplaying - having to solve problems in real time with incomplete data and understanding with whatever you have at hand. And then you do it again and again for 2,3,4,5 hours or sometimes even longer if you're having fun. You do that a few times and you start to get real smart. If you want to get smarter even quicker, try Games mastering a roleplaying session. It's 1000x more intense. Pick your favourite genre and find a group
2. Game Design. Come up with a new game to play. It can be a board game or a card game or something entirely different. I'm staggered by the sheer number of variations of games out there. Take "Kill Dr Lucky" as an example. This has been designed as a prequel to "Cluedo". In Cluedo, you work out who killed the poor doctor. In "Kill Dr Lucky", you're trying to do the dastardly deed while the other players are trying to stop you so they can kill him. Brilliant fun! Start by changing the rules of an existing game and see where it takes you. My brothers once decided the play "Snakes and Ladders" where you did the reverse and went down ladders and up snakes. That will teach you that rules aren't set in stone and changing the rules, changes the game.
3,4 & 5 - Just how much time do you have to devote to becoming smarter that you can afford to do 5 hobbies? What's wrong with you?

Credit: The header image is available as wallpaper from

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