Saturday, 7 March 2020

What can I do to improve my cognitive prosessing speed?

By defining the question better
Most people waste time and processing speed trying to answer a question when they're not sure of the question they're asking.
I have a catchphrase that annoys everyone:
"When you've adequately defined the problem, you will have arrived at the solution"
Let's take your question above. It lacks definition. So let's define it a bit better
"Is your cognitive processing speed the same under all conditions?"
I can tell the answer to that question is no. There will be days and times when you amaze yourself at the speed of your processing. Athletes call this "The Zone". And there will be days when tying your own shoelaces requires real effort.
So your original question is better defined by saying
"Under what conditions does my cognitive processing speed perform at its best?"
Now that's something that can be measured and studied.
So you see how the slightest improvement in definition helps us speed towards a solution that much faster
Credit: The header image is available as wallpaper from

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